Cheryl's Herbs Articles
HERBS & ESSENTIAL OILS FOR SARS By Cheryl Hoard As one physician put it in a recent national television interview about Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), now...
HERBS & ESSENTIAL OILS FOR SARS By Cheryl Hoard As one physician put it in a recent national television interview about Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), now...
Maria’s Fall Product Spotlight
A small collection of products that our Production Manager, Maria Roderick and our employees hold as their must have during the changing of the seasons. Focus Liquid Extract Combo Useful for...
Maria’s Fall Product Spotlight
A small collection of products that our Production Manager, Maria Roderick and our employees hold as their must have during the changing of the seasons. Focus Liquid Extract Combo Useful for...
Maria’s Summer Showcase
Here's a collection of herbs, products, and articles that our Production Manager, Maria Roderick and our employees hold as their must have summer items. Making Tea From Freshly Cut...
Maria’s Summer Showcase
Here's a collection of herbs, products, and articles that our Production Manager, Maria Roderick and our employees hold as their must have summer items. Making Tea From Freshly Cut...
Plants of the Bible
by Cheryl Hoard The story of the plants of Biblical lands is better understood when we appreciate what a significant region this has been since before the earliest written...
Plants of the Bible
by Cheryl Hoard The story of the plants of Biblical lands is better understood when we appreciate what a significant region this has been since before the earliest written...
The Other Uses of St. John’s Wort
by Cheryl Hoard An ornament of meadows, St. John’s Wort, Hypericum perforatum, is a beautiful, yellow-blooming shrub which doesn’t demand much for its survival. It makes itself available even...
The Other Uses of St. John’s Wort
by Cheryl Hoard An ornament of meadows, St. John’s Wort, Hypericum perforatum, is a beautiful, yellow-blooming shrub which doesn’t demand much for its survival. It makes itself available even...
Essential Oil Profile: Rosewood
By Amelia E. Stone, RN Common Name: Rosewood Latin Binomial: Aniba rosaeodora Family: Lauraceae Other Common Names: Bois de Rose Production Method: Steam Distilled Countries of Origin: Brazil Typical...
Essential Oil Profile: Rosewood
By Amelia E. Stone, RN Common Name: Rosewood Latin Binomial: Aniba rosaeodora Family: Lauraceae Other Common Names: Bois de Rose Production Method: Steam Distilled Countries of Origin: Brazil Typical...