Cheryl's Herbs Nettle Leaf & Root Liquid Extract bottle with a white background



(Urtica dioica)


Excerpted from:

Healing Wise

By Susun Weed 


“Nettle leaves are gentle enough for an everyday nourishing brew and powerful enough to heal damaged tissue.  Kidneys, lungs, intestines, and arteries are tonified, strengthened, and gradually altered toward optimum functioning with consistent use of Nettle, freshly cooked or infused.  Women love this rich green plant during pregnancy, childbirth, and lactation for its safe diuretic effect, its gentle restorative laxative effect, its assured anti-hemorrhagic power, and its contribution to their over all well-being.  Hair gleams, grows, thickens, and darkens when nourished and rinsed with Nettle infusions.  I have also found Nettle a powerful ally in restoring and maintaining the vibrancy of my adrenals, my hormonal and circulatory systems, my energetic, bio-chemical, and magnetic fields, and my emotional, sexual sensitivity.  Nettle is a friend well worth knowing. 

“Use Nettle leaves as an everyday nourisher, an energetic changer, a marvelous kidney/adrenal ally, a digestive restorative, a respiratory strengthener, an ally for women, a hair and skin nourisher, and a prompt hemostatic. 

Nettle Leaf as Nourisher:

“Nettle leaf is an excellent source of minerals, vitamins, and amino acids (protein building blocks).  Its superb, bio-active nourishment is readily absorbed by all soft tissue and working fluids:  blood, lymph, hormones, and neurotransmitters.  This results in increased ease and energy in the operation of the circulatory, immune, endocrine, nervous, and urinary systems. Nettle is highly recommended for pregnant and lactating women.  Frequent use of Nettle is recommended for those wanting to stabilize blood sugar, reset metabolic circuits to normalize weight, reduce fatigue and exhaustion, restore adrenal potency to lessen allergic and menopausal problems, and eliminate chronic headaches.  Nettle is also a powerful preventive for those with hereditary susceptibility to rheumatic complaints. 

Nettle Leaf as Digestive Restorative:

“Serve as an after dinner tea or infusion.  Do it often, for at least three weeks, and she’ll help improve your digestion and prevent stomach aches by:  tonifying your liver, gall bladder, and spleen; healing stomach and intestinal ulcers; nourishing the mucus membrane of the intestinal tract; relieving constipation; eliminating or reducing diarrhea; restoring tone to digestive system veins so hemorrhoids shrink; and clearing some intestinal infections. 

Nettle Leaf as Respiratory Strengthener:

“Old wives stories circulate of people who cured themselves of severe lung diseases with daily use of Nettle.  Drink up to two cups of Nettle infusion daily for up to three months.  Considered a specific for adults with asthmatic allergies, Nettle tincture (liquid extract) is used for acute care, and the infusion for restorative and healing care.  The fumes of Nettle, inhaled in a sweat bath or from the steam rising off a reheated infusion, are an effective ally when healing yourself during and after pneumonia, bronchitis, or other (especially watery) chest complaints. 

Nettle Leaf as Kidney/Adrenal Ally:

“Nettle infusions heal kidney cells like nothing else I’ve ever seen.  The usual curative dose is one or two cups of infusion daily for ten to twelve weeks, or longer.  As a tonic for adrenals and kidneys, try a cup daily for six weeks and then three or four cups a week for as long as you like.  Ask Nettle to help heal you from gravel or stones in the kidneys or bladder, bloody urine, kidney pains, chronic urinary tract infections, diabetic water retention and kidney stress from insulin, chronic cystitis, dialysis and kidney surgery, stress, allergies, and childbirth trauma. 

“Nettle’s energy reestablishes chi/energy flow in the urinary, nervous, and subtle body systems. 

Nettle Leaf as Prompt Hemostatic:

“Full-strength Nettle infusions is a reliable way to use one of Nettle’s most notable properties:  stopping bleeding.  Sip frequently, during and after hemorrhage.  Nettle is an excellent ally when you’re healing yourself from profuse menses, nosebleeds (epistaxis), bloody urine, hemorrhage from lungs, bloody coughs, bleeding hemorrhoids, bloody stools (check for possible cancer), bloody vomit, and childbirth hemorrhages.  Finely powdered Nettle leaves make a fine styptic to stop bleeding from razor and glass cuts, nosebleeds, and other minor wounds. 

Nettle Leaf as Ally for Women:

“Two cups of Nettle infusion daily nourish and stabilize energy in the reproductive/hormonal systems, build nutrient-rich blood and expand the cells’ capacity to metabolize nutrients.  Nettle is a wonderful ally for women with night sweats, exhaustion, anemia, chronic profuse menstrual flow, menstrual cramps, and those who have had a large blood loss during childbirth, surgery, or accident.  Many midwives suggest regular use of Nettle infusions during the last trimester of pregnancy to add a plentiful supply of vitamin K and iron to the blood.  They can affirm Nettle’s reputation in reducing both the likelihood of hemorrhage and serious effects from postpartum hemorrhage.  Two weeks of two cups of Nettle infusion daily will noticeably improve the quantity and quality of many women’s breast milk.  Three or more cups of the infusion weekly will provide optimum bio-active minerals, especially calcium, vitamins, and proteins to nourish you and ensure nutrient-rich milk. 

Nettle Leaf as Hair and Skin Nourisher:

“Glossy, thick, vibrant hair, healthy, hard nails and clear, lustrous, smooth skin are yours when Nettle becomes your ally. Drink up to one cup of infusion three or four times weekly, in addition to using Nettle as a hair rinse at least once a week.  Recommended especially to balance over-oily skins and scalps, Nettle nourishes new growth, checks falling hair, encourages supple strength, and removes fungal and bacterial infections of scalp, nails, and skin, including acne.  Try Nettle infusion as a facial, hair rinse, bath, and dentifrice (great for gums).  When your skin is a chronic problem, try Nettle.  For healing yourself with problems such as acne, eczema, and fungal infections, drink up to two cups of infusion daily, for six to ten weeks.




“Use Nettle root as a hair and scalp tonic, a urinary strengthener and stimulant, an immune system/lymphatic strengthener, and for a bit of first aid.


Nettle Root as Immune System/Lymphatic Strengthener

“When immune system stress is severe, as in people dealing with AIDS/ARC, EBV, genetic tendencies to cancer (including DES children), intermittent fevers such as malaria, and constant exposure to chemicals, try daily use of Nettle root liquid extract (5 – 30 drops, up to three times a day).  Note:  Overuse or excessive doses are reported to cause hallucinations. 

Nettle Root as Urinary System Strengthener/Stimulant

“Frequent sips of Nettle root infusion or decoction ease those with urinary discomfort and initiate strong kidney action. The root helps reduce water retention, stop bleeding and encourage the passage of kidney stones and gravel from the urinary tract, relieve dropsy symptoms (as well as helping to prevent incipient dropsy), reduce urethral swelling/urethritis and prostate swelling/prostatitis, and helps eliminate chronic cystitis. 

Nettle Root as Hair and Scalp Tonic

“Those with thinning hair, dandruff, scalp infections, and hair loss after chemotherapy or giving birth, can try rubbing the scalp every morning and night with Nettle liquid extract.  The mild hormonal effect of Nettle leaf or seed taken internally strengthens the effect of the external applications. 

Nettle Root as Bit of First Aid

“Sipping Nettle root decoction helps stop dysentery, loose bowels, and diarrhea.




“Nettle seed nourishes the endocrine glands, antidotes poisons internally and externally, and strongly influences the hair and skin.  Use Nettle seeds as a thyroid helper, a poison antidote, and a skin and scalp tonic. 

Nettle Seeds as Thyroid Helper

“Herbalists agree that Nettle seed can help nourish the thyroid and reduce both excess weight and goiter. 

Nettle Seeds as Skin and Scalp Tonic

“To revitalize and remove infection from human scalp and hair, as well as the skin and fur of animals, use Nettle seeds internally and externally. 

Nettle Seeds as Poison Antidote

“Eating Nettle seeds is a reputed antidote to poisoning from hemlock, henbane, nightshade, spider bites, bee stings, snake bites, and dog bites.  The immune system is alerted and energized rapidly by use of any Nettle preparation, so that may justify its use.  Nettle’s ability to strengthen the kidneys and liver (organs responsible for eliminating poisons) is also noteworthy when considering the validity of this poison antidote assertion.


“Marie Treben in Health through God’s Pharmacy suggests up to a half gallon of infusion or tea daily for chronic headaches, eczema, allergies, leukemia, and cancers of the spleen and stomach.


“Discussing the chemical constituents of Nettle, E.E. Shook in Advanced Treatise in Herbology writes that ‘it is fairly well known that iron phosphate (organic) is nature’s quickest and best remedy for all inflammation, that potassium phosphate is the basic food for the brain and nerves, and that potassium chloride is nature’s masterpiece solvent of fibrin.’”


Excerpted from:

Adaptogens in Medical Herbalism

By Donald Yance


Parts used:  Leaf (nutritional food), seed (specific rejuvenating kidney tonic), root (specific for prostate health) 

“Nettle is the most nutrient-dense plant in the world and is a great tonic for all people, but especially for those recovering from an illness and for the chronically sick.  Many of the benefits of Nettle are due to the plant’s very high levels of minerals, especially iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, silica, iodine, sodium, and sulfur.  Nettle is also rich in chlorophyll and a good source of vitamin C, carotenoids, and B vitamins.  In addition, it has high levels of protein – 10 percent, more than any other vegetable.

Traditional Use

“Traditionally, Nettle leaf has been used for treating anemia, arthritis, eczema, gout, allergies, general pain, cough, and tuberculosis.  It is also used as an expectorant and for urinary tract disorders.  Used externally, Nettle leaf can serve as a remedy for oily hair and dandruff.  Nettle root is specific for prostate health (especially for alleviating the symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia), and the seeds are used as a kidney-rejuvenating tonic in Traditional Chinese Medicine.  The seed extract is traditionally used to improve the function of the kidneys and protect the kidneys from drug toxicity (chemotherapy, diabetes); it lowers uric acid levels and thus treats gout and serves as a simple diuretic to increase the flow of urine.  The seeds possess antidiabetic effects as well.

Modern Research

“Nettle is great for people with allergies.  As a lung tonic, Nettle has been used for asthma, mucous conditions of the lungs, and chronic coughs.  Nettle extract can treat flu, colds, bronchitis, and pneumonia.  It is also considered a restorative tonic for the kidneys and bladder and is used for cystitis, nephritis, and gout.  It contains an array of phytonutrients that together act as potent protectors against oxidative stress.  Nettle has been found to activate multiple antioxidative defense systems.

Very Significant Information

“Nettle leaf also shows promise for improving metabolic syndrome, the cluster of risk factors (including hypertension, high blood sugar, and cholesterol abnormalities) that is strongly associated with heart disease and diabetes.  Research shows that Nettle leaf has antihypertensive, antihyperlipidemic, and antidiabetic properties.  Nettle leaf might be useful for improving type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome.”


 Excerpted from:

The Earthwise Herbal, A Complete Guide to Old World Medicinal Plants

By Matthew Wood


“Nettle is especially used as an iron tonic during pregnancy.  More specifically, Nettle acts on the protein pathways in the body.  It reduces allergic reactions to proteins (here the freeze-dried herb is preferred) and eliminates mucus on membranes resulting from allergy.  (The root contains sterols and lectins that may stimulate T-cell or precise immune response).  Nettle probably also helps with the digestion and absorption of protein.  Entering deeper into the body, it helps the liver build blood proteins.  These help keep the plasma inside the blood vessels, reducing edema and low blood pressure resulting from loss of plasma into the tissues.  Dorothy Hall looks upon Nettle as a specific for low blood pressure.  Nettle also helps with the removal of proteinaceous waste products (urates) from the system; hence it is a remedy in gout, arthritis, muscular soreness, tissue acidity, and kidney disease.

“Nettle also has a specific action as a tropho-restorative, bringing back function to parts that have become paralyzed, atrophied, or functionally inactive.  Perhaps it acts through the proteinaceous genetic material, which carries the codes for bodily functions.  I find it effective when the part has been paralyzed or depressed in function since the use of anesthesia.  It also works internally on inactive kidneys, thyroid, menstruation, hormones, nerves, muscles, and so forth, to bring them back into effective operation.

“Nettle is good for weakness in muscles of the inner thighs in middle-aged women.  In some menopausal women, especially stout, heavy ones, the pelvic attachments loosen up, the pelvis expands, and these muscles get weak.  Nettle would make an ideal strengthening tonic during pregnancy, toning the pelvic and thigh muscles needed for delivery.

“Nettle has a high level of affinity for the kidneys.  It is well known in the herbal community for getting people off dialysis. 

“’When in doubt, give Nettle.’  (David Hoffmann)”


Excerpted from:

Today’s Herbal Health

By Louise Tenney


“Nettle contains alkaloids that neutralize uric acid which help in rheumatism.  It is rich in iron which is vital in circulation and helpful in high blood pressure.  The tannin in the root has been used as an astringent enema to shrink hemorrhoids and reduce excess menstrual flow.

“Nettle is rich in chlorophyll.  It is rich in iron, silicon, and potassium.  It is rich in vitamins A and C.  It contains a high content of protein.  It also contains vitamins E, F, and P, calcium, sulphur, sodium, copper, manganese, chromium and zinc.  It contains first-class calcium and vitamin D.”



Nettle leaf cut

Nettle leaf, root, and seed liquid extract


Linda Hall

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