Apart from paying closer attention to our health and hygiene and exercising strict caution when in public, there are essential oils and herbs that can offer us their gentle support in times of great anxiety and fear.  A loss of wages, wondering how to pay bills, struggling to sleep, finding less food in the stores, home bound 24/7 with small children . . . these are only some of the reasons we're experiencing anxiety and fear, and downright panic, at this time.

Choosing among Cheryl's Herbs' wide variety of essential oils, certain of them stand out as especially appropriate for gracing us with calm and a sense of inner peace.  One of my favorite books, Aromatherapy for Healing the Spirit by Gabriel Mojay, encourages us to consider Geranium, Vetivert, and Rose essential oils for the kind of fear that seizes us during the night and Lavender and Rose essential oils for desperation.  Cypress essential oil supports our ability to cope with change.  Frankincense essential oil assists in lifting our focus to a more spiritual level where we can rise above the fray and center ourselves.

Our selection of herbs is extensive and includes those that have the potential to stabilize and soothe us in times of high-level stress.  Adaptogenic herbs such as Ashwaganda, Eleuthero, and Holy Basil help us shore up the strength we need to manage stressors.  Nervine herbs such as Melissa, Oat Seed, and Passionflower assist in soothing our nervous system so that we can relax and sleep.

There are many more essential oils and herbs to choose from at Cheryl's Herbs.  Please let us know if we may help. 

Source:  Gabriel Mojay's Aromatherapy for Healing the Spirit.

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With a shortage for Clorox and other sanitary thing what are your suggestion for use as house and hand sanitizing
thank you.


Curious to the strength of your alcohol in your sanitizer and sprays? Thanks in advance for the info!


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