Those with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are keenly aware of the value of a deep breath as well as the quality of the air we breathe.  We encounter airborne pollutants throughout our lives and sometimes, after a long while, our lungs are no longer properly healthy enough to support us.  To breathe easily, to exchange carbon dioxide for enough oxygen so that our blood is enriched and able to carry its nourishment to every cell in the body, to maintain our energy level, and to be defended against infection is all managed quite nicely by healthy lungs.  But when they are damaged, we suffer.

Contact with airborne pollutants irritates the lungs. Prolonged irritation results in inflammation, hardening, scarring, and excessive production of mucus. Enough contact with such pollutants over a long enough period of time renders the lungs incapable of effortlessly expanding and contracting. No longer a graceful, fluid action requiring no noticeable effort, breathing is now a burden fraught with frustration, anxiety, and even pain.

Harsh, spasming, unproductive coughs can be a result of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.  Persistent mucus production in the lungs triggers the need to cough, but the mucus can be deep and dry, or too wet and sticky, to be easily raised and expelled.  Such hard-to-move mucus becomes dirty and the breeding ground for infection. Fatigue occurs as much from the coughing as from the lack of proper amounts of oxygen in the body.

The Respiratory Tea at Cheryl's Herbs is an herbal combination created to help address the various discomforts brought on by respiratory conditions, including those specific to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.  It consists of the following herbs:

Marshmallow Root - a mucilaginous herb which means it is softening, moistening, and anti-inflammatory.  It breaks up hardened tissue.

Plantain Leaf - also softening and moistening.  It helps pull lingering water and mucus up from the depths of the lungs.

Coltsfoot Leaf - helps when lungs have been damaged by scar tissue and where mucus is deep in the lungs and dry, or wet and sticky, and therefore difficult to bring up and expel.

Mullein Flower -  helps with coughs that are dry and harsh.

Anise Seed - is useful for dry, painful, spasming coughs with heavy phlegm difficult to raise.

Thyme Leaf -  thins excess mucus and helps relieve shortness of breath.  It helps remove old, stuck mucus.

Slippery Elm Bark - helps moisten, cool ,cleanse, and heal the lungs as well as deepen respiration.

Peppermint Leaf - increases respiration and oxygenation.  

This tea can be used when symptoms of COPD are acute.  When symptoms have settled down, consider drinking cups of Astragalus Root tea every day.  Astragalus Root is significantly supportive of the lungs and specific to the immune system as it resides in the lungs.

SOURCES:  Matthew Wood's The Earthwise Herbal, A Complete Guide to Old World Medicinal Plants; Matthew Wood's The Earthwise Herbal, A Complete Guide to New World Medicinal Plants

Please also consider diffusing some of our essential oils which can help to relieve congestion and open airways:

Eucalyptus dives

Eucalyptus globulus

Eucalyptus radiata

Inula graveolens

Rosemary verbenone

Sinus Mixture

Bronchial Mixture


Marshmallow Root, Althaea officinalis, organic

Take with additional water. Medication should be taken one hour before or several hours after consumption of Marshmallow root.

Plantain Leaf,  Plantago major, organic

Safe to consume when used appropriately.

Coltsfoot Leaf, Tussilago farfara, organic

External use only is advised.  Do not apply on broken skin or open wounds. Contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids.  Avoid during pregnancy or lactation. Avoid with a history of liver diseaseNot for long-term use; do not exceed recommended dose.  Standard Dose:  1.5 - 6.0 grams of fresh or dried Coltsfoot leaf as tea.  (The leaf as tea is allowed for internal consumption 4 - 6 weeks per year by the German Commission E).

Mullein Flower, Verbascum thapsus, organic/wild crafted

Safe to consume when used appropriately.

Anise Seed, Pimpinella anisum, organic

Avoid during pregnancy.

Thyme Leaf, Thymus vulgaris, organic

Avoid during pregnancy.  

Slippery Elm Bark (inner), Ulmus fulva, organic/wild crafted

Avoid during pregnancy or lactation.  Medication should be taken one hour before or several hours after consumption of Slippery Elm bark.

Peppermint Leaf, Mentha piperita, organic

Avoid during pregnancy. Avoid with gastroesophageal reflux or with a hiatal hernia.  Avoid with significant gastrointestinal inflammation or gastrointestinal ulcers.  Co-administration of iron-fortified bread and Peppermint leaf tea reduced absorption of the iron by 84%.

Astragalus Root, Astragalus membranaceusLAB

Avoid use with immunosuppressive medication. 

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